Dingo Brown

Jan 232 min

Summer Break 2023.

These summer holidays have quite busy. Apart from all the general things that have to be done, that you do not get time to do when working as a teacher, we got our kitchen renovated. This is still a work in progress as the tiling now has to be done.

But amidst all of that I managed to get away for a few days camping. The first few days were with my brother Darrell. This was quite significant for me as it is the first time we have been "camping" together since we were young lads. We could only go for a couple of days as Darrell had to get back for work. We went to Greenhead caravan park which is about three hours north of Perth. It was great as there was hardly anybody there. There are three (or four, depending on how you count the) bays here with beautiful clear water, perfect for snorkeling in. We just took it easy, swimming, drinking coffee, watching or listening to the cricket or playing card games ( I let Darrell win as it was his first time playing Quiddler).

After I dropped Darrell back at Perth, I went back out again, but this time down south. I first stayed at Woodmans pool which is close to Barrabup Pool, which I used to camp at when I was much younger, no proper facilities then like there are now. then I moved onto Hamelin Bay Caravan park where the world famous Stingrays are. Just a relaxing few days to swim and read my books.

I will be starting at my new school tomorrow, Emmanuel Catholic College. I am excited and a bit anxious. This school is trying to be the first major sized highschool to change how education is done on a big scale. it is hoping to incorporate Project-Based/Inquiry-Bssed learning as the main pedagogy. Not an easy thing to do unless the whole school is on board and the timetable supports it. We are all using OneNote, which is good, once I learn how to use it as all the lessons are mostly there. My biggest anxiety is that I have to teach year 10 Psychology! I know nothing about it and cannot find any textbooks as resources.. I have a programme but at the moment no lessons/notes etc. I am hoping that tomorrow I will find that all the lessons are on OneNote (otherwise I am in trouble). I'll keep you updated!!!

Anyway enjoy the little slideshow attached.

